GREEN | butchbandoconcrete

Green and Eco Friendly

  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC recycles all demolished materials at accredited plants that utilize proper disposal techniques.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC has high fuel mileage vehicles for office staff and salespeople.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC provides 5-gallon water jugs on every truck and water at its office to promote the use of local water supply and discouraged the use of individual plastic water bottles and cups.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC has all of its vehicles oil professionally changed which insures the oil is disposed of correctly.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC buys products in bulk from local suppliers so that transportation fuel costs are minimized.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC’s concrete supplier uses recycled water in their mixes and to wash down their trucks.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC’s concrete supplier properly recycles their excess concrete waste.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC promotes email communication and saves all vital information and communication to CD or external hard drive to save on paper and ink/toner usage.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC has a “no idle” policy on its vehicles and equipment.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC uses power invertors on all of its trucks, which run off of the trucks battery so that the company does not have to run generators in order to provide power to its power tools where electric is not available while on job sites.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC recycles all wood, aluminum, magnesium, and steel from broken or worn out tools.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC uses recycled gravel when available and allowed.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC uses fly ash and slag (byproducts of coal) in its concrete mixes when possible (interior and footer mixes).
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC cuts the grass at its facility shorter to allow for longer periods between each mowing.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC never waters the grass at its facility.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC’s facility is constructed with superior insulation methods to allow for minimum heating and A/C needs.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC loaders comply with newest emissions standards.
  • Butch Bando Concrete, LLC uses water based sealers when appropriate.